Warga bernama Ambo Masse (64) mengaku heran setelah dilaporkan ke polisi atas dugaan perusakan mangrove jenis api-api seluas 6 hektare di area Pantai Kuri Caddi, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan ...
DAVOS, Switzerland — After years in which trade deals just kept slipping away, all the European Union needed was the shock of Donald Trump’s return to the White House to get its act together. Chief ...
Tiga mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) yang terseret arus di sungai Biseang Laborro, Pattunuang, Kecamatan Simbang, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan, Kamis (23/1/2025). Ketiganya ditemukan ...
Dua korban ditemukan meninggal tersebut akibat hanyut dan tenggelam di Sungai Biseang La’boro (Bislab), Kabupaten Maros pada Kamis malam. Korban pertama, Jean ditemukan sekitar pukul 21.30 WITA oleh ...
TRIBUNTRENDS.COM - Inilah identitas dari tiga mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) yang terseret arus Sungai Sungai Biseang La'boro (Bislab), Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan. Ketiga korban ...
Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. One exists at present in the form of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean ...
Maros Sefcovic, the EU’s trade chief, said in a BBC interview aired on Thursday that the bloc would be open to discussing the UK entering the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention. The PEM program ...
A top Brussels bureaucrat has claimed the EU should “consider” letting the UK join a tariff-free customs scheme. However, given Sir Keir Starmer’s red lines on the Single Market and Customs Union, the ...
Kepala Seksi Pidana Khusus (Kasi Pidsus) Kejari Maros, Sulfikar. TRIBUNMAROS.COM, MAROS - Kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi di Dinas Komunikasi, Infomatika, Statistik dan Persandian (Diskominfo) ...
Maros Sefcovic referred to the idea of Britain joining the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM). These are common rules that allow parts and ingredients for manufacturing supply chains to be ...
TRIBUNMAROS.COM, MAROS - Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan mulai mengambil langkah antisipasi menghadapi potensi cuaca buruk. Sekretaris BPBD Maros, Nasrul, ...