“Boy, his hat is crises!” said Bob Dudley, former BP CEO and a mentor to Auchincloss. “I always said to Murray: management ...
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 was the largest marine oil spill in the petroleum industry. Scientists troubled after ...
Before President Donald Trump, the most high-profile call to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico came from Stephen Colbert, who joked on his Comedy Central show in 2010 that the body of water should ...
The team at Harvest has developed a communications technology it calls Nodestream, which is built to improve and change how ...
As far as British oil giant BP is concerned, the catastrophic oil spill that tainted Louisiana’s shores more than a decade ...
The suit, filed in Alaska, is likely to be the first of many challenging the administration’s goal of expanding fossil fuel ...
In this week’s hell-in-a-handcart news, the refusal of both the US and the UK to sign an international agreement on ...
Dolphins, otters, seals and a wide range of British seabirds suffer from cancer, lung disease and other illnesses as a result ...
It's been said that the National Parks are America's best idea, and I feel that is what's being attacked," fired Park Ranger ...