Delhi BJP's candidates on Friday questioned AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann on their silence on the attack on the BR Ambedkar statue in Amritsar."If Arvind Kejriwal is silent on the attack on the Ambedkar's statue,
The New Delhi World Book Fair 2025, with the theme "Republic@75," will celebrate India's 75th anniversary as a Republic. It will focus on the nation's journey of nation-building, freedom, equality, and governance,
Scheduled from February 1 to 9, at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi, the fair is a flagship event of the Ministry of Education, organised by the National Book Trust of India
For 37 years, from 1956 to 1993, Delhi did not have a legislative Assembly. The national capital nonetheless has had a colourful political history with its eight Chief Ministers coming from three political parties — Congress,
New Delhi, The Supreme Court on Friday asked an NGO to tell the places of Rohingya settlement in Delhi and the facilities accessible to them.
Russia is sending cargoes of sanctioned oil to India on tankers that have been blacklisted by the US Treasury — setting up an acid test of Moscow's ability to get around aggressive measures imposed by Washington earlier this month.
Every household in Delhi saves an average of Rs 25,000 a month due to the AAP government's welfare schemes and if the party returns to power, its new initiatives will add another Rs 10,000 to people's savings,
We’re very happy to announce Pranshu Verma will become our next bureau chief in New Delhi, with responsibility for covering India, the world’s largest democracy and an essential story for The Washington Post.
New Delhi: The Delhi Assembly Elections 2025 are around the corner and every political party is trying to woo the voters. There are 70 assembly constituencies in Delhi. The national capital territory (NCT) is witnessing a fierce electoral battle between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress.
Authorities arrested a 32-year-old Canadian man at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) in New Delhi, India, for being in possession of a baby crocodile’s skull. Dehli Customs shared the news on its X account on January 9.
The key candidates for the New Delhi seat are Arvind Kejriwal from the AAP, Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma from the BJP and Sandeep Dikshit from the Congress.
In the 2020 Delhi Assembly Elections, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate Arvind Kejriwal won the seat with a margin of 21697 votes (28.45%). He was polled 46758 votes with a vote share of 61.01%. He defeated Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Sunil Kumar Yadav.