Is there a link between migration and crime? In the media as in politics, the relationship between immigration and crime is ...
Tensions caused by social, housing and racial inequalities, as well as pressure from the far right, have sparked a debate ...
As expected, incumbent President Alexander Lukashenka was re-elected for a seventh term in Belarus's January 26 presidential ...
Generative artificial intelligence will never completely replace us at work: it will exploit workers more effectively, a report by Data & Society shows.
With the new, more conservative EU Parliament, the Green Deal returns to the table, and many call for an overhaul of the ...
Ökonom Jérôme Valette: Sowohl in den Medien als auch in der Politik wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Einwanderung und ...
Peut-on établir un lien entre migration et criminalité, comme le font les responsables de l’extrême droite, parfois suivis ...
Muy a menudo, se tiende a simplificar la relación entre la inmigración y el aumento de delitos, explica el economista francés ...
Las tensiones creadas por las desigualdades sociales, de vivienda y raciales, y la presión de la extrema derecha, están ...
Die Spannungen, die durch soziale, wohnungspolitische und rassistische Ungleichheiten sowie Druck der extremen Rechten ...
Le tensioni create dalle diseguaglianze sociali, abitative e razziali, e la pressione dell’estrema destra fanno discutere il ...