"Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Give the congestion pricing program at least one full year to operate unfettered and then re-evaluate or make necessary adjustments where needed." ...
Despite being under court order to remediate it, mold remains a persistent problem for NYCHA, which points to its aging infrastructure and a climbing number of physical needs across its portfolio, ...
The bill would expand the criteria for town and cities to show they're experiencing a housing emergency. Under current rules, ...
"The Uniform Land Use Review Process is a public and transparent review that injects a degree of democracy into major land ...
The first law signed by President Donald Trump in his second term expands the type of crimes for which noncitizens can be arrested and detained without the option for release on bond—even if they ...
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
La demanda se centra en los nuevos criterios para acceder a los refugios “Safe Haven” (seguros), alegando que dificultan el ...
"We need to be crystal clear: if you’re managing our money, you better be taking climate risk seriously and cutting off ...
In New York City, accumulating wealth is many times more difficult for Latino and Black New Yorkers, according to a recent ...
En Nueva York, acumular riqueza es mucho más difícil para los neoyorquinos latinos y negros, según un reciente informe de la ...