Some of the fish Kanya wants you to catch are exceedingly rare and require specific times, lures, and weather conditions to ...
I found the cave system in Areas 14 and 15 in the Windward Plains to be the best location for catching Goldenfish in Monster ...
This is a guide for locating the Goldenfish from the "Fishing: Life, in Microcosm" side-quest in Monster Hunter Wilds.
How to Get Wingdrake Hide . The Wingdrake Hide in Monster Hunter Wilds can be obtained by eliminating either Harpios or ...
A good spot to find the Goldenfish is in Zone 8 of Scarlet Forest, in a hidden cave behind a waterfall, accessible by diving ...
Where to catch all the Goldenfish, Gravid Bowfin, Whopper and Grand Escunite needed for Kanya’s fishing side quests in ...
Goldenfish in Monster Hunter Wilds are one of multiple types of Aquatic Creatures you can capture and make use of in your adventure. As the name suggests, you'll need to learn to fish to be able ...
Not sure how to fish in MH Wilds? From controls to lures, our beginner's guide to fishing in Monster Hunter Wilds takes you through everything you need.
Seeking the Goldenfish: Where do you find the Goldenfish in Monster Hunter Wilds? After reaching High Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds and unlocking Hunter Rank 10, you will also unlock several side ...
Tracking down a Gravid Bowfin in Monster Hunter Wilds is all about patience and knowing where to cast your line.