If you depend on federal student loans, Pell grants or another type of federal financial aid to pay for your tuition, you might be worried about the federal funding freeze that was announced and ...
However, the order does not specify which financial aid programs would have to be suspended. Given the spate of orders issued this month -- some of which have prompted lawsuits-- the memo could ...
CU athletics also received a higher-than-usual amount of financial support from the campus for the second consecutive year to help balance the budget as it navigates a period of rapid change in ...
CU Denver’s page is still up. The move follows multiple Trump Administration executive orders reversing DEI policies, including one to remove "illegal DEI and 'diversity, equity, inclusion ...
In 2025, the European Union plans to provide Ukraine with EUR35 billion ($36.4 billion) in financial aid, EU’s Economy Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis announced on Jan. 22. According to Dombrovskis, ...