Between 2021 and 2022, the Chinese rover Zhurong explored Utopia Planitia, a sprawling plain within a large impact crater on Mars. The rover used ground penetrating radar to investigate a series of ridges that scientists theorized may have once been a beach.
Right now, Mars is a reddish desert landscape – attractive but dead, and certainly not home to any little green men.
The colour of Mars has been hotly debated over the years, as has whether there has ever been life on the planet
This means that if life once existed on the Red Planet, we may now have the tool to identify its remains. The center stage of this discovery is a laser-powered mass spectrometer, a spaceflight-ready instrument capable of analyzing rocks at an incredibly fine scale.
Their discovery showed that even tucked away in our innards – in the walls of our stomachs, subjected to vinegar-like pH levels, total darkness, the violent movements of our digestive systems, harmful enzymes and churning tides of food – life is able to resist and proliferate.
Strange, tilted geological formations spotted on Mars may be ancient beaches on the shore of a huge ocean, data from China's Zhurong rover suggests.
Despite being Earth's nearest planetary neighbour, Mars is a cold and desolate planet. But scientists think it wasn't always like that. And now, new data collated by China's space missions have finally been looked into by researchers which give extra weight to the idea that Mars was once a very wet planet,
Scientists suggest alien life may be microscopic, surviving in extreme environments like toxic clouds, icy moons, or even inside our own stomachs.
The search for extraterrestrial life extends beyond Mars to include moons like Europa and Enceladus, which might harbor life-sustaining conditions. Discoveries such as extremophiles on Earth, capable of thriving in extreme environments,
The revelation could lead experts closer to answering the burning question - has there ever been life on Mars? “These new findings point to a potentially habitable past for Mars," said Geronimo ...