Complete Guide to the Home of Franklin D Roosevelt National Historic Site in Hyde Park, New York including tours, things to ...
It was the day of Franklin Delano ... actually in 1912 that Roosevelt first distinguished himself as a person apart from the ordinary. He had been elected to the New York Senate in 1910; a ...
Historians differ widely in evaluating Franklin ... degree true. Roosevelt was a class leader in extracurricular activities, but he was only an average student. He was a New York aristocrat ...
MIAMI, Feb. 16, 1933 (UP) - President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt, saved from an assassin's bullets by the heroism of a woman, departed for New York today, leaving behind him, dangerously wounded ...
The term “O.K.” is linked to President Martin Van Buren, nicknamed “Old Kinderhook” during his campaign, supporters formed ...
A controversial Manhattan hotel being used to shelter migrants is set to close. The Roosevelt Hotel became an emblem of New ...
His “masterpiece,” as it was described by The New York Times, is generally considered to be “Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940,” published in 1963. The work, one of several ...
She enrolls in the Junior League of New York where she teaches calisthenics ... Veterans march to the White House as the "Bonus Army"; Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president of the United ...
During the election campaign, Roosevelt pledged what he called a New Deal for the American people. If elected, he proposed the following policies: ...
If you love a gorgeous lobby, The Roosevelt Hotel New York may be a satisfying choice ... including the seasonal rooftop lounge, mad46. If you'd like, you can work off those meals 24 hours a ...