It may be the very definition of a creepy crawly, but this species of giant millipede was a major discovery for a recent ...
Despite 21 species being rediscovered, many couldn’t be confirmed. The Masoala fork-marked lemur, not documented since 2004, evaded the research team, as well as a large chameleon species ...
There are more than 20 species of mouse lemurs, and several have been identified only in recent years. This is a rarity in primate research, and illustrates just how much remains to be known about ...
Lemurs are primates found only on the African island of Madagascar and some tiny neighboring islands. Because of its geographic isolation, Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere ...
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Fork Road Fork Road is a first-person immersive atmospheric game with new gameplay , Be prepared to face fears you've never faced before A guide to how ...
Although you'll have ample opportunities to spot lemurs in national parks like Mantadia and Lokobe, for even more chances to see these furry creatures, travel 16 miles southwest of Antananarivo to ...
Since home gardeners are typically looking for a quality soil fork, that was the type we selected as our top choice. Our favorite, though, was the Berry & Bird spading fork. Although it was a bit ...
One of the most indispensable pieces of software currently on my Mac is Marked. Paired with TextEdit, I write in plain text and format words in Markdown, letting Marked transform working documents ...
The Bitcoin Core v27 update is aiming to eject Ordinals from the Bitcoin blockchain. Proponents of the phenomenon should fork to their own chain.
Danielle Lynch, Primate Technician Supervisor at the Duke Lemur Center, comes into work each day focused on tending to the needs of lemurs. Her work ranges from making diets and cleaning enclosures to ...
Ring-tailed lemurs look different! They retain a number of primitive mammalian traits. For example: Reflective tapetum lucidum, which is a layer of cells in the wall of the eye that reflects light ...