A new study from researchers here in San Antonio found a link between autism diagnosis and consumption of either diet soda or comparable amounts of aspartame by their mothers during pregnancy or ...
By chance, one of Helen's friends happened to attend a seminar on treating Asperger Syndrome and autism through diet. The doctor giving the seminar, Dr Jean Munro, ran a clinic for treating ...
Her parents were in despair. Then, through an autism charity, they heard they could help Georgia by putting her on a stringent exclusion diet. The results have been astonishing. The diet is based ...
Results were consistent across all fish consumption levels. No link was found between omega-3 supplement use and autism ...
Offspring of pregnant individuals who have high adherence to a healthy prenatal diet may be less likely to be diagnosed with autism.
UW ECHO in Autism & Positive Behavior Supports provides ongoing support ... creating supportive sensory experiences through the use of sensory breaks and sensory diets, while also understanding the ...
During pregnancy, eating fish is more effective than taking omega-3 supplements at lowering the risk of autism. Start incorporating seafood into your pregnancy diet.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to many health benefits. In particular, they may help promote brain and heart health, ...
Eating any amount of fish during pregnancy was associated with about a 20% lower likelihood of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ...
"Our study contributes to a growing body of evidence that demonstrates the role that prenatal diet can play in autism-related outcomes in offspring," said ECHO Cohort researcher Emily Oken ...